In a major government shake-up, Palmerston, the cat who left the British Foreign Office in 2020, will come out of retirement ...
Some background behind the historical ties between the people of Gaza, the West Bank, British Mandate Palestine and the wider Muslim world.
That makes Northern Ireland, its territory and residents, part of that alliance. Ireland is not neutral by virtue of its ...
The right-wing is surging with great speed; its ideologues keep a matching pace to construct the history which suits their political agenda of exclusion of some and glorification of their past. In ...
This is an open letter written to the American Conference of Irish Studies. ACIS vice president Aidan Beatty is slated to ...
Laverne Cox gives powerful speech against Trump agenda at SCAD TVfest: 'They are committed to eradicating trans people from ...
Ralph Leonard is a British-Nigerian writer on international politics, religion, culture and humanism. Get our guide to the day’s biggest news and ideas, delivered to your inbox every weekday and ...
After the Leicester unrest in 2022, the rapid review commissioned by the home secretary, identifies Hindu nationalist ...
The USA has elected, under the rules of the Electoral College, a president who has been called, by the elitist media a “populist-nationalist” leader. This is apparently a bad thing according to ...
The Kurds have spent a century fighting for autonomy and confronting brutal repression by Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran.