Consider this: compared to the universe, we are minuscule ... of kinship expands or contracts depending on the scale of the context. Beyond Earth, all humans feel like family.
By revealing a massive radio jet in the early universe, J1601+3102 offers a rare snapshot of early quasar activity.
Exploring the transformation of Earth from a volcanic hellscape to a potential birthplace of life during the Hadean era.
Thirty years after the discovery of the first exoplanet, we detected more than 7000 of them in our Galaxy. But there are still billions more to be discovered! At the same time, exoplanetologists have ...
The risk of impact is likely to drop to zero as observations of Asteroid 2024 YR4 continue.
An international team, including researchers from UNIGE and NCCR PlanetS, has discovered a super-Earth, referred to as HD ...
By observing tiny ripples in spacetime called "gravitational waves" that propagate away from colliding black holes, ...
Astronomers have identified what could be the largest structure ever observed in the known universe—a vast network of galaxy ...
From decades of astronomical observations, scientists know that most galaxies contain massive black holes at their centers.
Astronomers have raised the likelihood of “city-killer” asteroid 2024 YR4 colliding with Earth to 2.3 per cent, or roughly ...