and explosive eccentric and concentric tempos are more influential for power. - Volume: 1 set-to-failure is less effective than 3 sets-not-to-failure. - Load: Load is more influential than reps-to ...
Sets to Failure (reps-to-failure/set): Sets-to-failure is a resistance training strategy in which an individual performs repetitions of an exercise until they can no longer complete a repetition. The ...
That’s basically how you approach plyometric exercises that typically require zero equipment—and they may be just what your ...
Start standing. Place hands on ground in front of you. Jump both feet back to plank, elbows soft. Option to drop chest to floor, then press back up to plank. Jump feet back up to hands, then explode ...
Resistance training—whether it be with dumbbells, barbells, or just your body weight—seems clearcut. You lift things up. You put them down. Repeat. But take a look at your body under a ...
Raising the number of reps will also increase time under tension ... “With limited equipment, really focusing on [being explosive during] the concentric contraction can be a big help for driving ...