Invoice pricing is one of the best tools you can have during a new car purchase. We've compiled a list of these prices for ...
Launched in 2019, the Ranger Raptor is a unique proposition in the UK pickup truck market. Designed and engineered by Ford Performance – the same section of the Blue Oval responsible for the Ford GT ...
The Ford Ranger Raptor is more of a lifestyle leisure vehicle than a working pickup - it doesn't even qualify for light commercial vehicle tax rates - but it's stiill got a large load bed area and ...
Is the Ford Explorer a good car? After the Ford Mustang Mach-E and before the Ford Capri, there came the Ford Explorer. And of these three models that use names from Ford’s back catalogue ...
“Following last year’s sales, and the sell-out success of Everest Wildtrak in 2023, it made perfect sense to bring the badge back to Australia,” said Ford Australia Everest product & retail marketing ...
Find everything you need to know about the Ford F-150 here ... somewhere above the FX4 package, but stopping shy of the full-fat Raptor. Viewed within the context of the wider range, it’s ...
福特游骑侠Ranger FX4沙狐特别版基于普通版车型打造而来,但更换了钢制越野保险杠,新车原厂提供独特的岩崖灰车身颜色,还原厂安装了前绞盘、涉水喉金属踏板、货厢龙门架以及防脱圈AT越野胎,原厂越野套件一步到位。在采用越野套件后,新车的接近角达到 ...
1. 福特游骑侠Ranger FX4沙狐特别版于1月15日正式上市,售价28.58万元,搭载FOX定制氮气减振器提升越野能力。 2. 新车配有高承载车顶行李架、专属传奇 ...
近日,江铃福特推出了游骑侠Ranger的升级版本——FX4沙狐特别版,官方售价为28.58万元,并在现场公布了6项购车权益。 外观方面,新款车型基于游骑侠Ranger的满配车型打造,提供了岩崖灰的专属车身颜色。对于那些错过了首发版的消费者来说,这次可以享受到 ...
福特汽车近期震撼发布了游骑侠Ranger FX4沙狐特别版,这款车型以28.58万元的定价进入市场,柴油版本则需额外支付4000元。专为越野爱好者量身打造,游骑侠Ranger FX4沙狐特别版在原有基础上进行了全面升级,旨在满足消费者对极致越野性能的渴望。 从外观上看 ...