Even considering strong demand and historically high prices for calves and feeder cattle this winter, the Hereford and Hereford-influenced sale at Mitchell Livestock Marketing in South Dakota Feb. 15 ...
Calves that do not make the bull pen are fed and used to collect data on the sire groups. The commercial division runs 1,200 Angus and Red Angus cows that are exposed to Hereford bulls to produce F1 ...
Red and sleek in Acajou marble was the magnificent champion Shorthorn bull, Bridgebank Pay master, winner of the British and Scotch championships three years, in a row. A Hereford bull champion ...
What a day for Dvorak Hereford’s Annual Sale. The sale barn was full of loyal customers, good food and a high level of enthusiasm for the current cattle market. The offering consisted of a big, stout ...
If it seems as though the Chicago Bulls have come full circle in eight years ...
Poster Auctions International’s (PAI) second sale of the year, on July 11, finished at $1,403,500. Rare Posters Auction XCIII welcomed passionate collectors who bid on items from across the world. The ...