Cats are one of the most captivating creatures in the animal kingdom. They are graceful yet incredible hunters, seemingly ...
Fishing boat captain who rescued Navy pilots after jet crash describes surreal moment: 'What we see in movies' Captain ...
1. Killing a cat in Ancient Egypt was not a good idea. In Bubastis, a city dedicated to the cat headed Egyptian goddess Bastet, a Roman was hanged for this very crime. He was part of a delegation ...
Discover daily furry fun facts. Whether adorable or kind of gross, our pets never cease to amaze us. Join us in exploring their world!
Discover daily furry fun facts. Whether adorable or kind of gross, our pets never cease to amaze us. Join us in exploring their world!
He's the mascot of a ski resort but those are perhaps more spectacular cats. I have also talked to Ivy on Manitoulin Island and Ivy's owner, who is Rose, she has a very interesting story.