LIGER 的性能持续优于 TIGER 和 UniSRec 等现有最先进模型。 例如,在 Amazon Beauty 数据集上,LIGER 对冷启动项目的 Recall@10 得分为 0.1008,而 TIGER 为 0.0。
例如,在Amazon Beauty数据集上,LIGER对冷启动项目的Recall@10得分达到了0.1008,优于TIGER的0.0。在Steam数据集上,LIGER的Recall@10也达到了0.0147。此外 ...
As is often the case in evolution, the rules of speciation are by no means ironclad. Lions and tigers are two different species. They look different, they have different lifestyles, they vocalize ...