Samsung Electronics said on Friday its fourth-quarter net income rose more than 20 per cent from a year earlier despite the waning global demand for memory chips, beating market expectations. Its net ...
YouTube Premium subscribers can now experiment with 4x playback speed on videos. This feature allows users to speed up videos significantly, potentially useful for skipping intros, sponsor segments, ...
A shooting Thursday morning near East 4th Street and Guava Avenue left one person with moderate injuries, according to the Lubbock Police Department desk. The call came in ...
To fold or not to fold, that is the question? We've got the answer with this head-to-head comparison of the Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra and the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6.
The Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra is the ultimate Android handset with top-of-the-line power, terrific cameras, a built-in stylus, and the most innovative AI features we've seen in a phone to date.