This system is perfect for mammals who need to circulate lots of oxygen in order to keep up their active lifestyles. Fish have a circulatory systems with just one circuit. Their hearts pump oxygen ...
Around 5.6 million people in the UK are living with diabetes, which is an all-time high, according to Diabetes UK ...
regulating the immune system, and inhibiting the adhesion of pathogenic bacteria. However, the mechanisms underlying the restoration of the intestinal barrier by probiotics have not been fully studied ...
One to twenty-four samples can be processed in a single run to isolate free-circulating DNA from fetal-originated DNA in ...
People swear by the health benefits of cold-water immersion, but new research found that the science behind these claims is ...
Neutrophil granulocytes, a type of immune cell, are indispensable for the defense against pathogens. However, if they migrate ...
The pink, white and red blob of tissue quivers in a vat of clear goop about the size of a kitchen sink. Graduate students ...
Conclusion This study provides the evidence of the potential route of SARS-CoV-2 in the digestive system along with the respiratory tract based on single-cell transcriptomic analysis. This finding may ...
The most common cardiovascular killer in maternal medicine is also among the most misdiagnosed. Peripartum cardiomyopathy ...
All three were hooked up to machines that provided a readout of their vital signs, and all three were prepared to have a ...
What has puzzled researchers and philosophers for many centuries is the ‘why’ of sleep, along with the ‘how’. We human animals know from experience that we need to sleep, ...
Believe it or not, herbs are basil-ically the spice of life! Herbs don't just belong in the kitchen, however; they can also ...