We're sure your special someone loves your hugs as they are. But it doesn't hurt to crack the science-backed formula of the ...
My belly would sometimes bloat so much that I looked like I was six months pregnant. And the pain? As the gas expanded, it ...
Overall, while ideas around sex, such as the morality of premarital sex or taboos against certain activities, may have changed in the last century, the sex lives of Canadians tend to fall in line with ...
Ten years of research on yoga as a stress-reducing activity provides a clear answer: A little effort offers real health benefits.
“Physiological coherence is when your heart, breathing, and nervous system work in a smooth, balanced and coordinated way.
Nasty honking in traffic, the scent of perfume, a jarring musical note, an unpleasant film scene, or even an offhand comment ...
Schematic depicting the involvement of regional sympathetic nerves in the mediation of pain in early-stage TMJ-OA. GA, UNITED STATES, Febru ...
Cutting Edge Health, led by Orlando A. Landrum, MD, MBA—recognized for advanced interventional neuroscience ...
Ten years of research on yoga as a stress-reducing activity provides a clear answer: A little effort offers real health ...
Excessive screen time and chronic stress, especially in young people, disrupt circadian rhythms and immune function, ...
The stress, anxiety, and physical fatigue brought by modern life directly affect individuals’ mental and physical health. At ...