Toy Story is a CGI animated media franchise created by Pixar and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. The franchise is based on the anthropomorphic concept that all toys, unknown to humans ...
During summer 2024, a Rex character meet-and-greet became available to guests at Shanghai Disneyland. The announcement came via the resort’s official Instagram account. Rex originally made his debut ...
Tim Allen, who’s reprising his iconic role of Buzz Lightyear in the upcoming Toy Story 5, has revealed he’s begun recording his lines for the Pixar sequel. “Yes, I just did the first five ...
There are seven new mobiles in total, each one featuring a trio of Pixar characters from throughout the studio’s releases. It is unclear if these sculptures are made of real glass, or if they are ...
The status of the Power Rangers franchise has been a bit murky over the past year, but it seems to be ramping up again, and now we have a tease of the long-awaited return of the toy line. As announced ...