El tren Z6 lleva funcionando 72 años. Con una distancia total de 2495 kilómetros, la línea ferroviaria atraviesa una vasta ...
The China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) on Wednesday unveiled the names of the moon-landing spacesuit and manned lunar rover for ...
China on Tuesday unveiled an action plan to expand and improve senior-friendly tourism train services, in its latest bid to create more inclusive and enjoyable travel experiences for the elderly. The ...
Many tourism companies are targeting China’s seniors to attract more customers. Last year, Swiss-based Viking Cruises worked with Shanghai’s University for the Elderly to launch a program for the ...
Liu Zhiqiang, a former vice minister of justice, has been indicted for suspected bribery-taking, China's Supreme People's ...
From a village boy to a high-speed train driver, Lu has witnessed the dramatic transformation of his hometown's ...
So stunning! A photographer caught a high-speed train🚄🚄🚄 flying through the snow❄️❄️❄️. It's just like a white Dragon🐲, stirring white fog in the heavy snow.
In January this year, the shipment volume of China-Vietnam freight trains departing from Guangxi reached 3,060 TEUs, a year-on-year increase of 760%, maintaining a strong growth momentum. At present, ...
Foto aérea de drone mostra um trem passando pelo trecho do Lago Yuandang da ferrovia de alta velocidade ...
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Since its launch over three years ago, the China-Laos Railway has significantly facilitated trade and exchanges between China and Thailand. #GLOBALink ...
BEIJING, Feb. 10 (Xinhua) -- China released on Monday a new visa relaxation policy, allowing tour groups from ASEAN countries ...