No. "For in treason," continues Lord COKE, "all be principals and war is levied ... deemed the highest crime which can be committed in civil society; since its aim is an overthrow of the ...
It is that of high treason. Recent painful events make it ... It is well known that war -- civil war -- exists in persons of the Union. That persons owing allegiance to the United States have ...
For example, courts held that armed resistance to the collection of taxes constituted constructive treason. A number of cases arising out of the Civil War also suggested, without directly ...
Tomoyo Kawakita, convicted of treason for abusing American prisoners of war, was sentenced to death but had his sentence commuted to life imprisonment by President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
The disputes escalated into a civil war in 1642. After nearly seven years of war, Charles was defeated and put on trial for treason in 1649. After further conflict, the Civil Wars finally came to ...