Comelit-PAC has launched 7TOP, its most advanced IP door entry Monitor to date, designed to seamlessly blend smart technology, sleek aesthetics, and energy efficiency into the latest living ...
Keeping your family safe on the internet is an unfortunate everyday reality for many parents, especially as almost every device can connect to the internet in some way. But protecting your ...
The best parental control apps can help protect your family both online and on-the-go. The younger generations are growing up surrounded by an interconnected world of technology, and be that to ...
"Firmware Update Introducing New Authorization Control System," posted by Bambu Lab on January 16 (and since updated twice), states that Bambu's printers—starting with its popular X series ...
The larger contact surface of the disc ensures shorter braking distances and greater control, even during high-speed rides or on steep descents. The hydraulic system provides linear braking response, ...
How cells prioritize restoring amino acids when supply is limited is unknown. Here, using budding yeast, the authors build an economic framework to explain prioritization strategies and find that ...
LiveExWebRTC.Publisher - sends audio and video via WebRTC from a web browser to a Phoenix app (browser publishes) LiveExWebRTC.Player - sends audio and video via WebRTC from a Phoenix app to a web ...
Free WebRTC signaling server: peer to peer WebRTC live streaming, handles multiple channels (streams) and viewers per channel, support for STUN/TURN (tested with Coturn), accounts and resource ...