春节的钟声余韵未散,年轻人的祈福热潮却在延续。从寺庙前蜿蜒的香火长队,到社交平台上风靡的转运符咒,新年伊始,人们对好运的渴望前所未有地强烈。 在这股年味与信仰交织的氛围中,一种特殊的“心灵寄托”悄然兴起——水晶。 这些折射神着秘光辉 ...
In ancient times, academies served as spiritual homes for scholars. In the past decade or so, amid the revival of traditional ...
亨特家族的财富可以追溯到老拉马尔的父亲哈罗德森·拉斐特·亨特(H.L. Hunt),他拥有世界上最大的石油矿藏之一,并创立了亨特石油公司(Hunt Oil)。他将自己的企业发展成为美国最大的家族石油公司。
The phrase “set in stone” has its origins in ancient times when important laws, treaties, and religious texts were literally ...
NewJeans is taking on a new name: NJZ. The group is making a much-anticipated return to the stage at ComplexCon Hong Kong ...