(法新社华盛顿22日电) 美国总统川普签署行政命令,再次将伊朗撑腰的叶门什叶派激进团体「青年运动」(Houthis)叛军列为「外国恐怖组织」。 川普在第一个任期尾声曾签令将青年运动列为外国恐怖组织,但前总统拜登于2021年就任时将青年运动从清单上除名 ...
Three people, including two men and one woman, were attacked by a knife-wielding man at around 8pm near Japan's JR Nagano Station on Wednesday, leaving one in critical condition. Three people, ...
US President-elect Donald Trump said Saturday that he will "most likely" give TikTok a 90-day extension on Inauguration Day, which is Monday. In an interview with NBC News, Trump said he hadn't made a ...