One person was killed and 11 others went missing after a vehicle fell into the Bhakra canal in the northern Indian state of ...
At least 30 devotees were killed and 60 others injured in a stampede Wednesday morning at India's mega Hindu festival, Maha ...
An Oslo detective with a difficult past returns to his native Iceland to help a police officer hunt a serial killer with a link to a mysterious photograph.
加勒比海双岛国圣基茨和尼维斯(Saint Kitts and Nevis)于当地周三接近中午发现漂流船只,上面至少有19具腐烂遗体。
Extensive footage from surveillance cameras in the area of the blast provided vital clues for the police。 While expanding ...
皮尔区警方(Peel Regional Police)于2024年11月27日拘捕两名女子,指她们涉嫌在2019年至2023年期间,以彩票骗局诈骗全国各地的长者。 两宗案件的受害人分别来自安省雷湾及亚省Grand ...
西班牙警方星期五 (1月24日)表示,当局带捣毁了一个国际华人人口贩运团伙,该团伙出于性剥削目的而把女子偷渡到西班牙和美国。警方逮捕了30人并解救了33名受害者。
Haparanda police officer Hannah Wester makes a macabre discovery when a dead wolf is found with human remains in its stomach.
来自阿省的受害人则被骗向37岁密西沙加女子Latoya Hayden支付10,000加元,另向31岁密市男子Andrew Baker支付2,000加元。Hayden已被捕并被控诈骗逾5,000加元罪名,而Baker则在逃被通缉。