How will California be impacted by climate change? California is the most populous state in the United States and a global economic powerhouse. The state, however, has one of the world’s most varied ...
The study of the interactions between the oceans and land and the processes that shape coastal features and transport sediment and other materials near coastlines. Specializing in estuarine and ...
The study of the multiple ways that humans and society interact with the environment with disparate impacts as well as practical, inclusive approaches to address those impacts. Potential graduate ...
One of Scripps's longest-running data centers, serving reference-quality hydrographic ocean data to an international community for over 20 years The Global Ocean Biogeochemical float program supports ...
We analyze the interactions among marine ecology and biodiversity, fisheries, socioeconomics, climate change, and more. CalCOFI is a long-term, interdisciplinary, cross-sectoral ecosystem research ...
The study of the ecology of marine communities that live on or near the rocks and sediments of the ocean floor. (Crab photo courtesy biological oceanographer Lisa Levin.) CMBC promotes ...
Studying the physiology and ecology of whales, dolphins, and other marine mammals through methods ranging from molecular ecology to tracking the movements of individuals and populations using ...
The interface between marine chemistry and marine biology, ranging from natural products chemistry and biotechnology to biogeochemistry and biochemistry relating to marine systems. Many of our ...