Richard Howe, BEng 88, traces his career trajectory back to a hobby he began as a teen: taking apart cars and putting them back together. Now CEO of Inuvo — an AI-powered advertising and data company ...
Welcome to a world-class university in the heart of Montreal, Canada. We’re proud of our reputation as a friendly, inclusive place to learn, create and do research. Here is a list of certificates that ...
Similarity by Turnitin is a Moodle plugin available to instructors that acts as a text matching software. The tool works with Moodle Assignments, Quizzes, and Workshops. Faculty must follow ...
Étudiant·es actuel·les : posez votre candidature pour bénéficier d'un avantage pour votre carrière! Les étudiant·es de premier cycle peuvent rejoindre l'Institut grâce à une option coopérative ...
Register your child on the La Place 0-5 when you have your address in Montreal. Your child's information will be shared with daycares near your home, and they will contact you when there is an ...
Découvrez la communauté de Concordia en assistant à des présentations, à des visites et à des séances de questions virtuelles. Les personnes inscrites recevront les liens Zoom pour chaque événement ...