国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構 次世代人材育成事業 ...
Research Field: AI and information research for the realization of Society 5.0* based on the principles of "human understanding and respect", "diversity" and "sustainability". Society 5.0 is defined ...
Director (visiting), Hiroshi Ishiguro Laboratories, Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR) This research area engages in the development of Symbiotic Human-Robot ...
The "Moonshot R&D Program" aims to create disruptive innovations originating in Japan, promoting ambitious R&D based on daring ideas that are not just extensions of conventional technologies.
CONCERT-Japan began as a project platform for international research cooperation activities under the EU's Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7). After the ...
Tuvalu, a small island nation located in the Pacific Ocean, is comprised of 9 atolls and islands of low and flat grounds with a highest elevation of about 3 meters. These low-lying islands are ...
Yangon Technological University (YTU) / Myanmar Engineering Society (MES) / Relief and Resettlement Department (RRD) / Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH) / Directorate of Water Resources ...
サイエンスアゴラ2015(10周年記念年次総会)公募企画の募集は締め切りました。 We closed our call for Contributions to Science Agora 2015.
MEXT Q-LEAP is the R&D program to achieve quantum leaps in economical and societal goals by taking advantage of quantum technology. The research and development is under the management of program ...
AJ-CORE (Africa-Japan Collaborative Research) is a new multilateral research framework connecting three (or more) countries: Japan, South Africa, and at least one African country. Japanese teams will ...
新たな学際領域を切り拓き、世界最先端の研究成果をもたらす基盤として我が国の基礎科学力を支え、持続的な科学技術イノベーションの創出に貢献する、広範で多様な研究開発活動を支える共通基盤技術や先端的な研究機器などを対象とします。 (文部 ...
JST・内閣府共催「総合知ワークショップ 総合知で切り拓く社会変革とビジネスチャンス」を開催します。 CRDSは本ワークショップの企画・設計等を担うほか、濱田志穂フェローが第1部・第3部に登壇します。