Pursue a career where your passion lies. If that's in protecting the food we eat, stopping forest fires, keeping our parks and public lands pristine and accessible, planning wise land utilization, or ...
ACOs must submit their training certificates to AWP by 12/31 each year to maintain certification. Failure to complete the required 8 hours in any year results in a lapse of certification beginning ...
As an Equal Opportunity employer, Maine State Government embraces a culture of respect and awareness. We are committed to creating a strong sense of belonging for all team members, and our process ...
207-509-0014 Bodies of Water(s)/Town: Messalonskee Lake, Salmon Lake (Ellis Pond), McGrath Pond, North Pond, East Pond, and Long (Great) Pond in Belgrade, Sidney & Oakland ...
Are you interested in exploring career options in Healthcare? Our Healthcare Navigator CareerCenter Consultants are specialized in mapping a career path that is right for you. Tell us a little about ...
The Maine Commission on Public Defense Services (formerly known as the Maine Commission on Indigent Legal Services) was established by the Legislature in 2009 to provide high quality representation to ...
Citation: remained upon the field in command of a section of Griffin's Battery, directing its fire after being severely wounded and refusing to leave the field until too weak to sit upon the caisson ...
Welcome to the Maine Recovery Council for opioid abatement resources The Maine Recovery Council was established pursuant to the Maine State Subdivision Memorandum of Understanding (PDF) and Agreement ...
You may search by Position Type, either MLS (Master of Library Science) or non-MLS or by Library Type (Academic, Public, School, or Special). You may only search by one field at a time. Most recent ...
The Maine CDC is excited to announce that we are modernizing our Tuberculosis (TB) reporting system. Currently, inactive TB (also known as Latent TB Infection or LTBI) cases and suspect and confirmed ...
Some wildlife species are drawn to residential areas because they offer food, shelter, and safety from natural predators. But in exchange, they risk running into trouble with their human neighbors. As ...
The Maine Reciprocal Borrowing Program expands on Maine's Interlibrary Loan service to allow patrons from participating libraries to visit other libraries in the program and check out books in person.