The Lelos celebrated making it through to their seventh tournament by climbing to 11th in the World Rugby Men's Rankings.
Four European teams will be looking to secure their places at the tournament in Australia through the Rugby Europe Men's Championship this weekend.
待望の女子ラグビーワールドカップ2025開幕まで200日を切り、女子ラグビーの世界的な祭典としてはこれまでで最大規模となる大会への期待が高まっています。観客動員数の記録を塗り替えるであろうイングランド2025大会は、ラグビーだけでなく、女子 ...
À moins de 200 jours de la très attendue Coupe du Monde de Rugby féminine 2025, l'excitation monte pour ce qui sera la plus grande célébration mondiale du rugby féminin à ce jour. En passe de battre ...
With less than 200 days to go until the highly anticipated Women’s Rugby World Cup 2025, excitement is building for what will be the largest global celebration of women’s rugby to date. Set to break ...