Please ring 0161 217 6111 to report the fault. Please provide us with as much information as possible on the location of the fault so that we can fix the problem quickly. Do not cover up or touch the ...
to be approved for the regular solemnisation of civil marriages and civil partnership registrations under the above regulations. The application and plan accompanying it may be inspected during normal ...
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Figure shows life expectancy by deprivation quintile in Stockport 2020 to 2022. The blue bars represent males and the red bars represent females. It shows that people in the least deprived quintiles ...
Health inequalities exist because these factors are unequally distributed between people. Some people, for example older people or those belonging to more marginalised groups in society, can ...
We Are Family: Six Kids and a Super-Dad, written by Oliver Sykes, illustrated by Ian Morris ...
Stockport was Greater Manchester's Town of Culture for 2023/2024, securing funding to support the arts and creativity in the borough. This provided opportunities to be active and creative and enabled ...
The way our services are designed and delivered can play an important part in reducing health inequalities. A variety of barriers may result in some people receiving less or poorer quality care for ...
Health inequalities are unfair and preventable. In Stockport these inequalities have been too wide for too long. We'll have to do something more and something different to shift them. If you're poor: ...
Foundations of child health and wellbeing start before conception and contribute to a person’s health in adult life, meaning inequalities begin before a child is born. Poverty causes ill health, ...
Figure below shows inequalities in premature mortality (under 75 years) from heart disease and cancer, most and least deprived quintiles in Stockport fom 2018 to 2020. People in the most deprived ...