Kako javlja RTS, pozivajući se na medije i društvene mreže, danas je na putu ka Mokrinu na službenom automobilu predsednika Srbije Aleksandra Vučića otpao točak. Prema vesti objavljenoj na portalu RTS ...
Kako javlja RTS, pozivajući se na medije i društvene mreže, danas je na putu ka Mokrinu na službenom automobilu predsednika Srbije Aleksandra Vučića otpao točak. Prema vesti objavljenoj na portalu RTS ...
The Princely-Serbian Theater, the PEN Center, most of the employees of the National Library of Serbia join others from culture who supported the students in the blockade The ensembles of the theaters ...
Before the elections in Kosovo, the headlines are full of topics related to relations with Serbia. But the young Kosovars interviewed by Deutsche Welle journalists have other concerns. More and more ...
Der neue Studentenprotest in Niš trägt den Titel „Es ist Zeit, die Maut zu zahlen“ und findet am Sonntag, dem 9. Februar, an der Mautstation „Niš-Sever“ statt, die mehrere Stunden lang gesperrt sein ...
The new student protest in Nis is called "The toll has arrived", and it will be held on Sunday, February 9, at the "Nis-sever" toll station, which will be blocked for several hours. Neformalna grupa ...
After 14 years, the Benetton plant in Niš is closing, and the workers have learned that they will be out of work for the next months and that production will last until April. They do not have any ...
Nachdem die Einwohner von Kragujevac am Sonntag (9. Februar) nach Belgrad gelaufen waren und dort eine Einladung an die Studenten zu einer Blockade überbrachten, die sie am Samstag, den 15. Februar, ...
Bei einer Studentendemonstration in Niš kam es zu einem Vorfall, bei dem eine ältere Frau zunächst Studierende und anschließend die Dekanin der Philosophischen Fakultät, Natalija Jovanović, angriff.
Although Belgrade has introduced free public transport since the beginning of the year, this does not mean that employees lose their right to compensation for the costs of getting to and from work, ...
The new Special Collective Agreement in the education sector has caused fierce reactions. Representatives of the opposition and part of the educational workers claim that this introduces ...
The Association of Fine Artists and the Association of the Independent Cultural Scene of Serbia joined the request of the students of the University of Arts to suspend all public programs. They make ...