AMT PostPro – Post-Processing for 3D Printing
To address this, we have developed automated depowdering, surface blasting and vapor smoothing post-processing systems tailored for the additive manufacturing industry. Our systems transform parts from a rough and fragile state to a smooth, strong, and end-use ready condition, enhancing both quality and consistency.
About Us – AMT PostPro
Our automated solutions are crafted to meet the ever-evolving needs of businesses looking to scale their end-use additive manufactured part production. We have developed PostPro — a groundbreaking digital technology platform designed to streamline and automate the traditionally cumbersome and expensive steps of early-phase 3D printing post ...
Contact Us – AMT PostPro
Unit N, Europa House, Letsby Avenue, Sheffield Airport Business Park, Sheffield S91XU, UK. Business hours: 8 AM – 5 PM (GMT)
Products – AMT PostPro
Experience it yourself. We will benchmark your parts using our post-processing machines. Send. Process. Return. It’s that simple
Vapor Smoothing | AMT PostPro – AMT PostPro
Discover firsthand how AMT PostPro’s innovative vapor smoothing technology is revolutionizing post-processing across a diverse array of industries, delivering not only impeccable surface finishes but also enhanced functionality and performance.
Industrial – AMT PostPro
AMT’s cutting-edge post-processing solutions offer game-changing benefits for production and industrial applications. With advanced vapor smoothing and surface finishing technologies, AMT delivers exceptional results, enhancing the performance, aesthetics, and durability of 3D-printed parts, making them ideal for a wide range of applications.
Improving Evonik TPA Part Properties with Vapor Smoothing
Additive Manufacturing Technologies (AMT) has developed an innovative PostPro® vapor smoothing technology, a groundbreaking post-processing solution that significantly enhances the surface quality and mechanical properties of thermoplastic polymer parts created through additive manufacturing methods like Laser Sintering, HP Multi Jet Fusion ...
PostPro SFX – Desktop Vapor Smoothing System – AMT PostPro
The only technology that smooths and seals the surface and internal cavities of 3D printed polymer parts, while also improving mechanical properties.
Depowdering – AMT PostPro
Depowdering is a crucial stage in 3D printing, particularly for powder-based technologies such as selective laser sintering (SLS) or multi-jet fusion (MJF). After printing, parts are covered in excess powder which needs to be removed.
Digital Manufacturing Systems – AMT PostPro
Watch the launch video depicting world's first Digital Manufacturing System for 3D printing