Stokes stream function - Wikipedia
In fluid dynamics, the Stokes stream function is used to describe the streamlines and flow velocity in a three-dimensional incompressible flow with axisymmetry. A surface with a constant value of the Stokes stream function encloses a streamtube, …
Azimuth - Wikipedia
When used as a celestial coordinate, the azimuth is the horizontal direction of a star or other astronomical object in the sky. The star is the point of interest, the reference plane is the local area (e.g. a circular area with a 5 km radius at sea level) around an observer on Earth's surface, and the reference vector points to true north.
Rankine vortex - Wikipedia
Free-floating test particles reveal the velocity and vorticity pattern. The Rankine vortex is a simple mathematical model of a vortex in a viscous fluid. It is named after its discoverer, William John Macquorn Rankine. The vortices observed in nature are usually modelled with an irrotational (potential or free) vortex.
3.4: Velocity and Acceleration Components - Physics LibreTexts
2024年1月2日 · The radial, meridional and azimuthal components of velocity are therefore \(\dot{r}, \ r \dot{θ}\) and \(r \sin θ \dot{\phi}\) respectively. The acceleration is found by differentiation of Equation \(\ref{3.4.15}\).
径向速度 - 百度百科
恒星的运动在观察方向的速度分量,即径向速度,是一个由行星运动周期所决定的周期信号,其幅度的大小由恒星的质量、行星的质量、恒星与行星的距离、行星轨道平面法线与观测方向的夹角等参数决定。 对于太阳大小的恒星,木星在5个AU距离运动时,恒星径向速度的幅度为12.7m/s;海王星在1个AU距离运动时,恒星径向速度的幅度为1.5m/s;超级地球(5倍的地球质量)在1个AU距离运动时,恒星径向速度的幅度为0.45m/s;而地球在1个AU距离运动时,恒星径向速度的幅 …
Azimuthal Flow - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
With an axial flow, however, it is difficult to find azimuthal velocity even in a concentric annulus filled with a single non-Newtonian fluid because of coupling of velocity components. Without considering a transverse pressure gradient, an analytical solution is possible only for Newtonian fluid in concentric annulus, as expressed by ...
Azimuthal velocity profiles in Rayleigh-stable Taylor–Couette …
2015年6月9日 · We present azimuthal velocity profiles measured in a Taylor–Couette apparatus, which has been used as a model of stellar and planetary accretion disks. The apparatus has a cylinder radius ratio of ${\it\eta}=0.716$ , an aspect ratio of ${\it\Gamma}=11.74$ , and the plates closing the cylinders in the axial direction are attached to the outer ...
Azimuthal Velocity/Vorticity : r/FluidMechanics - Reddit
2020年10月21日 · The vorticity in x direction, w_x is calculated with the velocity components v_r and v_theta ( on the plane perpendicular to x) . Similarly for theta component of vorticity, you will use velocity components v_x and v_r and will be on the plane where theta is the normal vector.
Velocity components in azimuthal (azimuthal velocity, left) and ...
Download scientific diagram | Velocity components in azimuthal (azimuthal velocity, left) and equatorial (vertical velocity, right) slices. The contour lines always represent the same...
Azimuthal Direction - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The azimuthal velocity of each fine scale eddy is normalized by its radius r c and maximum azimuthal velocity, and k θ denotes the wave number in the azimuthal direction. The azimuthal velocity near the center (r < 0.5r c) is dominated by the k θ =2 mode. In this study, phase-average is conducted based on the k θ =2 mode of the azimuthal ...