BPM and key for Bartender (feat. Akon) by T-Pain - SongBPM
Bartender (feat. Akon) is a song by T-Pain with a tempo of 105 BPM. It can also be used half-time at 53 BPM or double-time at 210 BPM. The track runs 4 minutes long with a G♯/A♭ key and a major mode. It has low energy and is very danceable with a time signature of 4 beats per bar .
Song Key of Bartender (T‐Pain) - GetSongKEY
Bartender is written in the key of G♯. Open Key notation: 9d . Best Keys to modulate are D♯ (dominant key), C♯ (subdominant), and Fm (relative minor). Compatible Open Keys are 10d, 8d , and 9m. Find similar songs (100) that will sound good when mixed with Bartender by T‐Pain .
Key, tempo & popularity of Bartender By T-Pain, Akon - Musicstax
Bartender is a song by T-Pain, released on 2007-06-05. It is track number 7 in the album Epiphany (Expanded Edition). Bartender has a BPM/tempo of 105 beats per minute, is in the key of G# Maj and has a duration of 3 minutes, 58 seconds. Bartender is very popular on Spotify, being rated between 30 and 90% popularity on Spotify right now.
T-pain - Bartender : Vocal Range & Original Key - Singing Carrots
Find best way to sing Bartender by/from T-pain. Learn what is your optimal key for this song and how to transpose it based on your vocal range.
Key and BPM of T-Pain - Bartender - AudioKeychain
Search the Key and BPM of thousands of songs to find the perfect tracks for your mashup.
Bartender ft Akon by T-Pain Chords, Melody, and Music
Bartender ft Akon is written in the key of C Minor. According to the Theorytab database, it is the 3rd most popular key among Minor keys and the 9th most popular among all keys. Minor keys, along with major keys, are a common choice for popular music.
Bartender (feat. Akon) Key & BPM (T-Pain) - Gemtracks
Find the BPM (tempo) and key of Bartender (feat. Akon) by T-Pain and see some data about them, such as loudness, time signature and danceability.
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Bartender - T-Pain, Akon - Multitrack - isolated tracks
Artists: T-Pain, Akon Genre: R&B Release date: 2007 Duration: 4:03 Key: Fm (Original key) Tempo: 105 BPM Fadeout: there's NO fadeout in the end Language: English Channels quantity: 9 [Lead Vocal, Backing Vocals, Synth Strings, Synthesizer, Electric Piano, Bass Synth, Electronic Percussion, Electronic Drum Kit, Metronome]
Bartender (feat. Akon) Key & BPM | T-Pain | Music Gateway
Key and song information about Bartender (feat. Akon) by T-Pain
BPM and key for Bartender (feat. Akon) - Instrumental by T-Pain
Bartender (feat. Akon) - Instrumental is a upbeat song by T-Pain with a tempo of 105 BPM. It can also be used half-time at 53 BPM or double-time at 210 BPM. The track runs 3 minutes and 59 seconds long with a F key and a minor mode. It has low energy and is very danceable with a time signature of 4 beats per bar .