Download and install Google Chrome
Tip: If you've used a different browser, like Firefox, you can import your settings into Chrome. Install Chrome offline. If you have issues when you download Chrome on your Windows computer, use the alternate link to download Chrome on a different computer. On your computer, download a Chrome installerfor a different computer.
Download and install Google Chrome
If you've used a different browser, like Firefox or Safari, you can import your settings into Chrome. Install Chrome offline If you're having problems downloading Chrome on your Windows computer, you can try the alternative link below to download Chrome on to a different computer.
Google Chrome Help
Official Google Chrome Help Center where you can find tips and tutorials on using Google Chrome and other answers to frequently asked questions.
Download and install Google Chrome
Get Google Chrome. Download Chrome for Android phones and tablets. Chrome is available on phones and tablets running Android 8.0 (Oreo) and up. Install Chrome. On your Android device, go to Google Chrome. Tap Download Chrome Install. To start browsing, tap Open. You can also find Chrome on your Home screen or in "All Apps." To open, tap Chrome.
Make Chrome your default browser - Computer - Google Help
On your computer, open Chrome. In the top right, click More . Click Settings. In the "Default browser" section, click Make default. If you don't see the button, Google Chrome is already your default browser. To easily open Chrome later, add a shortcut to your dock: On your computer, open Chrome. In the Mac dock, right-click Chrome.
Download and install Google Chrome
Make Chrome your default browser; 5 of 10. Use Chrome at home; 6 of 10. Sign out of Chrome; 7 of 10.
Chrome browser system requirements - Chrome Enterprise and …
2023年1月10日 · To use Chrome browser on Linux, you'll need: 64-bit Ubuntu 18.04+, Debian 10+, openSUSE 15.5+, or Fedora Linux 39+ An Intel Pentium 4 processor or later that's SSE3 capable
Google Chrome herunterladen und installieren
Starten Sie Chrome: Ab Windows 10: Sobald alles eingerichtet ist, wird ein Chrome-Fenster geöffnet. Sie können Chrome als Standardbrowser festlegen. Wenn Sie bisher einen anderen Browser verwendet haben, z. B. Firefox oder Safari, können Sie Ihre Einstellungen in Chrome importieren. Chrome offline installieren
Update Google Chrome - Computer - Google Chrome Help
On your computer, open Chrome. At the top right, select More Help About Google Chrome. Select Relaunch. If you can't find the “Relaunch” option, you're on the latest version. Tip: The browser saves your opened tabs and windows and reopens them automatically when it restarts. Your Incognito windows won't reopen when Chrome restarts.
Descargar e instalar Google Chrome
Para usar Chrome en Mac, necesitas macOS Big Sur 11 o una versión posterior. Descarga el archivo de instalación. Abre el archivo "googlechrome.dmg". En la ventana que se abre, busca Chrome . Arrastra Chrome a la carpeta Aplicaciones. Es posible que debas introducir la contraseña de administrador.