Floods - World Health Organization (WHO)
2024年1月30日 · Floods are often caused by heavy rainfall, rapid snowmelt or a storm surge from a tropical cyclone or tsunami in coastal areas. Floods can cause widespread devastation, resulting in loss of life and damages to personal property and critical public health infrastructure. Between 1998-2017, floods affected more than 2 billion people worldwide.
Floods: How to protect your health - World Health Organization …
2020年1月29日 · Since floods can potentially increase the transmission of water- and vector-borne diseases, such as typhoid fever, cholera, malaria, and yellow fever, among others, it is important to know your risk and protect your water sources.
Flooding in northern Italy and central Europe threatening the …
2023年5月22日 · The impacts of floods on health arise directly through contact with floodwater or indirectly from damage to health facilities, other critical infrastructure, ecosystems, food and water supplies, and social support systems. Such impacts can be both immediate and occur days, weeks or even months after floodwater has receded.
The importance of preparedness: strengthening community …
2023年7月27日 · Climate change is altering the world in which we live in. Weather has become more extreme, and natural disasters happen more often than before. Flash floods have emerged as a persistent threat, endangering lives, homes, and livelihoods. Amidst this perilous environment, a silent killer lurks—the risk of drowning. Often underestimated, even knee-high …
Heavy rainfall is causing rivers to burst their banks, leaving huge ...
2024年9月18日 · Floods cause extensive damage, disruption and adverse health effects, particularly given the potential for increased transmission of water- and vector-borne diseases. The impacts of floods on health arise directly through contact with floodwater as well as indirectly from damage to health facilities, other critical infrastructure, ecosystems ...
Tropical Cyclones - World Health Organization (WHO)
2019年10月1日 · When tropical cyclones cause floods and sea surges, the risk of drowning and water- or vector-borne diseases increase. Additionally, flood waters may contain sewage and chemicals, hide sharp objects made of metal or glass and electrical lines, or host dangerous snakes or reptiles, which can cause diseases, injuries, electrocution and bites.
Bangladesh Flood 2022: WHO Collaboration with DGHS/MOHFW
2022年6月23日 · The dreadful flood in Bangladesh is deeply concerning, and I am saddened by the suffering of millions of flood-affected people in the country. My prayers and heartfelt condolence go to them and to those who have lost loved ones,” said Dr. Bardan Jung Rana, WHO Representative in Bangladesh, World Health Organization.The floods started on 17 May 2022 …
Landslides - World Health Organization (WHO)
2024年1月30日 · Floods: four tips to reduce food safety risks After a flood, food that has been in contact with flood-water may have become unsafe for human consumption. These flyers include tips to reduce food safety...
Pakistan crisis - World Health Organization (WHO)
2022年10月5日 · Pakistan’s people ravaged by calamitous floods - 18 September 2022 WHO Director-General's statement on Pakistan – 17 September 2022 WHO inaugurates an emergency operations centre and provides urgently needed essential medicines in Swat - 13 September 2022
Malaria - Pakistan - World Health Organization (WHO)
2022年10月17日 · From January through August 2022, more than 3.4 million suspected cases of malaria were reported in Pakistan compared with the 2.6 million suspected cases reported in 2021. Over 170 000 cases were laboratory confirmed, with the majority reported as Plasmodium vivax. A rapid upsurge in cases was observed in Balochistan and Sindh provinces after the …