[IF: 56.9] Science揭示巨噬细胞Kupffer的新帮手,原来竟是他?!
2023年11月5日 · 肝脏中的常驻巨噬细胞在与肝细胞、内皮细胞和星状细胞组成的龛位中接受指令,进而激活特定的转录因子,赋予其新身份:Kupffer细胞(KC)。 在血窦中,KC向实质细胞延伸伪足以保持其特性,充当人体的中央细菌过滤器,并且通过补体受体CRlg在内的特异性受体 ...
2020年9月4日 · 在此,将小鼠和人单核、巨噬细胞M1、M2、Kupffer细胞、DC表型汇总表分享如下,大家可根据需要,选择鉴别能力强的指标: 表格来源:Cossarizza A, Chang HD, Radbruch A, et al. Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies. Eur J Immunol. 2017 Oct;47 (10):1584-1797. 人巨噬细胞M1和M2的区分,大多用CD11c和CD206;小鼠的,可参考下面这篇文献里面的指标,可以用CD206,但在分群不佳的时候,也可结合结 …
What is the best marker of kupffer cells? - ResearchGate
If you want to analyze the kupffer cell activation, you need to analyze the macrophage polarization. Markers for M1 macrophage polarization (activation state, proinflammatory) are iNOS,...
Liver macrophages in tissue homeostasis and disease
2017年3月20日 · This work identifies CLEC4F as a unique Kupffer cell marker in mice and demonstrates the ability of monocyte-derived macrophages to acquire a Kupffer cell-like phenotype after full Kupffer...
Single-cell atlas of human liver development reveals pathways
2022年9月15日 · Concerning endothelial cells, the first cells were captured from 5 PCWs at the time when liver vasculature is known to be established 23, 24. Tissue-resident Kupffer cells could be...
库普弗细胞(Kupffer cell、Browicz-Kupffer cell、stellate macrophages,亦称为肝巨噬细胞)是位于肝脏中的特殊巨噬细胞,是单核吞噬细胞系统(mononuclear phagocyte system)的一部分。由血液单核细胞黏附于肝窦壁上分化而成,可通过吞噬作用清除血循环中异物颗粒或红细胞。
Kupffer Cells in the Liver - PMC - PubMed Central (PMC)
The close proximity of Kupffer cells to parenchymal and nonparenchymal cells within the liver supports the ability of Kupffer cells to regulate hepatic function, both in health and disease. In a healthy liver, the Kupffer cell exhibits what has been termed a “tolerogenic” phenotype.
Kupffer细胞免疫学功能研究进展 - 汉斯出版社
Kupffer细胞中胚胎起源的巨噬细胞数量最多,2020年Andrey Elchaninov 等人使用免疫表型、基因表达谱、蛋白质组和microRNA池来比较Kupffer细胞和单核细胞,观察到的差异没有显示Kupffer细胞为纯M2型巨噬细胞,也没有说明单核细胞具有纯M1型巨噬细胞的特征;且单核细胞 ...
Heterogeneity and Function of Kupffer Cells in Liver Injury
2022年6月26日 · Kupffer cells (KCs) are key regulators of liver immunity composing the principal part of hepatic macrophages even body tissue macrophages. They reside in liver sinusoids towards portal vein. The micro-environment shapes …
Kupffer Cell and Monocyte-Derived Macrophage Identification by …
Kupffer cells are the liver-resident macrophages and represent the first line of defense between the pathogens circulating from the intestines through the portal vein and systemic circulation. Recent works have highlighted the complex heterogeneity of macrophage functions and origins, thus raising a …