The bony labyrinth of Platecarpus (Squamata: Mosasauria) and …
2019年12月1日 · Little is known about the sensory evolution of mosasaurs in relation to their aquatic lifestyle. In this study, the braincase of Platecarpus was CT-scanned and virtual models were constructed showing the bony labyrinth — or the inner ear — a sensory apparatus for balance and hearing.
The bony labyrinth of Platecarpus (Squamata: Mosasauria) and aquatic ...
2019年12月1日 · Little is known about the sensory evolution of mosasaurs in relation to their aquatic lifestyle. In this study, the braincase of Platecarpus was CT-scanned and virtual models were constructed showing the bony labyrinth — or the inner ear — a sensory apparatus for balance and hearing.
The Braincase and Endosseous Labyrinth of Plioplatecarpus …
2015年6月5日 · Detailed information on the form of the braincase, as well as a digital endocast of the endosseous labyrinth, provides evidence for a broad range of locomotory behavior in this mosasaur. Institutional abbreviations— MCZ , Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; MOR , Museum of the Rockies, Bozeman, MT.
The Braincase and Endosseous Labyrinth of Plioplatecarpus
An exquisitely preserved specimen of the plioplatecarpine mosasaur Plioplatecarpus peckensis presents an opportunity to examine the detailed structure of the braincase, as well as the form of the otic capsule endocast.
The braincase and endosseous labyrinth of ... - ResearchGate
2015年6月1日 · Mosasaurs are secondarily aquatic squamates that became the dominant marine reptiles in the Late Cretaceous about 98-66 million years ago.
The bony labyrinth of Platecarpus (Squamata: Mosasauria) and aquatic ...
2018年12月1日 · Little is known about the sensory evolution of mosasaurs in relation to their aquatic lifestyle. In this study, the braincase of Platecarpus was CT-scanned and virtual models were constructed...
The Braincase and Endosseous Labyrinth of Plioplatecarpus …
2015年6月5日 · An exquisitely preserved specimen of the plioplatecarpine mosasaur Plioplatecarpus peckensis presents an opportunity to examine the detailed structure of the braincase, as well as the form of the otic capsule endocast.
Mosasaurs (sensu Bell and Polcyn, 2005) are extinct anguimorph lizards that lived during the Late Creta-ceous. Although the earliest members of the clade appear to have been facultatively terrestrial (Bell and Polcyn, 2005, but see Caldwell and Palci, 2007 for an alternate interpretation), mosasaurs rapidly evolved a body form adapted to swimming.
Landlubbers to leviathans: evolution of swimming in mosasaurine mosasaurs
By comparison with extant and extinct analogs, the tail morphology of four mosasaurine genera is examined, revealing a pattern of evolution that begins with the generalized varanoid anatomy and culminates in a high-aspect-ratio fin, similar to that of sharks.
滄龍屬 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
滄龍屬 (學名: Mosasaurus ),簡稱 滄龍,是一種巨型海洋蜥蜴,是 白堊紀 末期海洋中的 頂級掠食者,也是整個 中生代 中最晚進化出的 海洋爬行動物 之一。 滄龍屬在全球 淺海 中均有分佈,牠們和 滄龍超科 、 非鳥恐龍 、 菊石 、 翼龍 一同在 白堊紀末滅絕事件 中徹底滅絕。 拉丁文 學名 的含義為「默茲河 的蜥蜴」,因為滄龍的化石於 18世紀 在 荷蘭 的 馬斯垂克市 被發現,因此城市旁有 默茲河 而得名。 滄龍屬也是 人類 發現的第一個 史前爬行動物,時間比發現第一個 恐 …