Arlindo Meque - University of San Diego
He was a visiting scientist at the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the UK Met Office and South African Weather Services (SAWS). Submit changes to Arlindo Meque's profile.
Odesma Dalrymple, PhD - Shiley-Marcos School of Engineering ...
Originally from Trinidad and Tobago, Odesma Dalrymple, PhD, is a proponent of education equity as a key mechanism for ensuring just social growth and development.
San Diego Regional Climate Collaborative
Research and programming for each focus area has a foundation of an equity-first framework, which aims to include underrepresented and underserved communities in the conversation of climate change and climate resilience. Explore our Resources and Projects page to learn more about our ongoing research!
Arlindo Meque, PhD | University of San Diego Online Degrees
Arlindo Meque teaches a course on Data Visualization and Analytics. He works at the intersection between Climate Services and Humanitarian action. Prior to joining San Diego, Arlindo worked as Meteorologist and Climatologist in his home country (Mozambique).
Teaching Climate Change in the NGSS Classroom
In this course, participants will explore the basic causes and effects of climate change and develop strategies and lesson plans for teaching climate change to K-12 students. Participants will become familiar with the Next Generation Science Standards that pertain to …
International Research Experience for Students
As integrated members of a research group in Sweden, eight students/year perform 10 weeks of supervised research on projects focused around a centralized theme of developing advanced AI and/or data science tools aimed at understanding, predicting and/or preventing disease.
Fundamentals of Program Evaluation - University of San Diego
Gain the skills to verify data and make sound decisions for positive impact. Number of Units: 1.0 graduate level extension credit (s) in semester hours.
Engineering Management and Leadership Certificate
Develop a personal style of technology leadership based upon an understanding of the model of influence most aligned with their natural abilities.
Decision-Making Authority (DMA) in Law Enforcement - University …
In the simplest terms, decision-making authority is the power bestowed on a subordinate to make decisions on behalf of a higher power. It can be formal, as when it is stated or implied in policy or protocols. For example, it is commonly awarded to a project manager or team leader, whether they hold the requisite rank or not.
Ani Velo, PhD - College of Arts and Sciences - University of San Diego
Dr. Velo’s research interests are mainly in applied mathematics to engineering and geophysics, and include wave propagation in layered media, structural optimization, and composite materials. Background needed: Linear Algebra and Differential Equations along with basic programing skills. Selected student projects by themes: