Solved: Lat/Long unit conversion with Arcade - Esri Community
2018年10月11日 · The actual code starts on line 17 where a list is created containing the lat and lon converted from the X and Y extracted from the geometry. On line 18 the lat and lon values are passed to the CreateWazeURL function and the URL …
Solved: Geometry union at antimeridian - Esri Community
2023年11月23日 · As you can see, if you put this on a simple cartesian plane, they won't intersect. You can add some functionality to adjust the geometries one rotation around the world to the east or west to get what you're looking for like so:
Solved: Calculate Geometry Coordinate System - Esri Community
2023年9月15日 · If the coordinate system is geographic, then you would specify a projected coordinate system to get planar geometry measures. If your coordinate is already projected, such as in a UTM projection, then specifying a State Plane/Modified Transverse mercator, you would get slightly different planar measures since scale factors of the central ...
Solved: Why are areas calculated in ArcGIS Pro different t... - Esri ...
2023年2月20日 · When calculating the planar area of the data in Zone 51, the geometry is projected from the globe to a flat extended plane which is centered on the central meridian of zone 51, somewhere to the east. This is why the data gets distorted the further you are away from the central meridian of the zone and why calculated planar area for Zone 51 is ...
Solved: Using 'projectAs()' Point Geometry Function Via Py... - Esri ...
The GCS 1927 was populated with one point using the lon/lat in your script. The state plane was placed in a new map. When adding the GCS 1927 layer a transformation dialog was presented. If no transformation was selected, the GCS 1927 point was placed over the state plane point located at 1070240.5212705112, 6890805.12915604.
Solved: Planar vs Geodesic Area/Length? - Esri Community
2019年3月8日 · 2. The Calculate Geometry tool uses planar because the input data has to have a projected coordinate system. You can not do planar with just a geographic (same as the answer above). That was the case in Desktop. But in Pro, even with the Maps's display coordinate system set to a projected CS, the only area option is geodesic. I am an instructor ...
Auto Populate Lat / Long Fields in ArcGIS Pro - Esri Community
2024年10月17日 · Is there a way to auto populate Lat / Long coordinates in decimal degrees in ArcGIS Pro? We have deployed ESRI's Address Data Management solution and use that to assign and maintain our address points and road centerlines. In the attribute rules, I have added one to try and populate the coordinate...
Solved: Calculate Point X Y - Esri Community
2019年7月8日 · The default coordinate system is State Plane NAD 83 feet; The two fields are added to the feature class since the field techs thin in Lat/Long, not feet. The points get edited (moved) from time to time, so I just want to re-calculate them on a regular basis.
Distance on a sphere: The Haversine Formula - Esri Community
2017年10月5日 · Spherical geometry considers spherical trigonometry which deals with relationships between trigonometric functions to calculate the sides and angles of spherical polygons. These spherical polygons are defined by a number of intersecting great circles on a sphere. Some rules found in spherical geometry include: There are no parallel lines.
Solved: Geometry cannot be converted to spatial reference ... - Esri ...
2014年8月25日 · I don't know what the problem is, but I wanted to double-check the spatial references (coordinate systems) that you're using. wkid:102685 and wkid:2248 are both NAD 1983 (US feet) State Plane Maryland. You should be able to use either wkid unless you're using a very old geometry service, and we changed the wkid from 102685 to 2248 a while ago.