Two definitions of spin structure - Mathematics Stack Exchange
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Spin manifold and the second Stiefel-Whitney class
Spin structures and the second Stiefel-Whitney class are themselves not particularly simple, so I don't know what kind of an answer you're expecting.
algebraic topology - Does a Spin$^c$ structure reduce to a spin ...
2024年10月4日 · In the physics literature, it has been used the concept of Spin $^c$ structure (see for example 1) for the description of fermions in condensed matter systems (where fermions have odd U(1) charges).
Obstruction theoretic approach to complex spin structures
2017年8月23日 · The virtue of this picture is the LES used above explains both the obstruction to and the classification(i.e., the affine structure) of spin structures. Okay, this is great, and now move on to the complex spin case.
Can two different spin structures on a manifold induce the same spin
2024年7月7日 · The map between these two things describing how the difference behaves when you complexify a spin structure is a Bockstein homomorphism $$\beta : H^1(M, \mathbb{Z}/2) \to H^2(M, \mathbb{Z})$$
differential geometry - Spin^c structure induced by a spin …
2015年11月3日 · Now a typical assertion is that each spin structure induces a canonical $\mathrm{spin^c}$ structure. I tried to show that via connecting the commutative diagrams, and using the fact that there is a natural inclusion of the spin group in the $\mathrm{spin^c}$ group.
algebraic topology - Equivalence of two definitions of Spin …
2016年9月26日 · $\begingroup$ @R_D You can think of it a few ways. Note that a double cover is the same thing as a principal O(1)-bundle, because there is an obvious map giving the action of $-1$: the map that swaps the two elements of the fiber above any given point.
Reference for spin structure - Mathematics Stack Exchange
Spin^c structure induced by a spin structure. 5. Spin structure and bordism. 3.
algebraic topology - Spin structures on $S^1$ and Spin cobordism ...
The disk has a unique spin structure, and we can ask which spin structure this induces on the boundary. Lawson/Michelson's "Spin Geometry" claims that this induces the spin structure coming from the double cover, but I'm having trouble seeing that.
Vanishing of certain cohomology class and existence of spin …
2017年1月8日 · Spin structure and restriction to fibers. 2. Spinor bundles and spin structures. 3. Can two different spin ...