Zodiac Signs - Astrology Answers
Note: the dates of each zodiac page change every three years due to the nature of the Earth’s rotation around the Sun—just like a leap year. Use your birth date from the year you were born to determine your sign. Each page contains information, including: A summary of your zodiac sign; Your leadership tendencies; Your career strengths and ...
Zodiac Love Compatibility - Astrology Answers
While zodiac compatibility is the perfect place to start, looking at just your Sun signs will not tell you the whole story about your relationships. For the most detailed understanding and to truly dive deep into the interconnectivity of astrological love, you should seek out a love birth chart reading or synastry chart reading with a professional.
Leo Zodiac Sign - Astrology Answers
Although the Leo zodiac sign can be playfully competitive, it’s hard to force one into a conflict or into in-between, “gray” areas. * The dates of each zodiac page change every three years due to the nature of the Earth’s rotation around the Sun—just like a leap year.
Aquarius Zodiac Sign - Astrology Answers
Like many zodiac signs that display strong traits of independence, it is vitally important for an Aquarius to find someone who helps them pursue their own goals and ambitions without being clingy. Looking for compatible matches for this zodiac will be most successful with those who display strong independence, confidence, and ambition ...
Taurus Zodiac Sign - Astrology Answers
The zodiac signs are divided into four elements (Fire, Water, Earth, and Air) and quadruplicities (Cardinal, Mutable or Fixed). The Quadruplicities, like the elements, showcase qualities of the signs and help to give deeper insight into the complexity of each sign. The Taurean Bull is one of the Fixed signs with a negative polarity. This is a ...
Libra Zodiac Sign - Astrology Answers
Cardinal signs usher in new seasons in astrology. Libra is the 7th sign of the zodiac and ushers in Fall. Continually, Fire and Air element holders share positive polarity. The positive polarity of this zodiac sign does not mean that the sign itself lacks optimism but instead means that they have an energy that gravitates inwards.
Gemini Zodiac Sign - Astrology Answers
Finally, Gemini’s child-friendly, word-playing silliness is in a class of its own. The Gemini zodiac sign is not so much focused on age as on freshness, spontaneity, and forward-thinking. * The dates of each zodiac page change every three years due to the nature of the Earth’s rotation around the Sun—just like a leap year.
Sagittarius Zodiac Sign - Astrology Answers
To more low-key signs of the zodiac (like Earth or Air signs), Fire signs may seem to always want their own way, act impulsively, and be relatively hot-tempered with occasional outbursts. While not common for a Sagittarius, which the optimistic Jupiter rules, Fire signs may be prone to pessimism. The other Fire signs are: Aries; Leo
The Ultimate Guide to Sun Signs - Astrology Answers
2024年7月29日 · The dates for each of the twelve Sun signs change every year. Your Sun sign is determined by the day and year you were born. Sun Sign Dates. While the official dates change each year, a certain timeline can guide you toward your Sun sign. Aries: March 21st – April 19th; Taurus: April 20th – May 20th; Gemini: May 21st – June 20th
February 2025 Astrology Calendar
The calendar includes all of the major aspects between the planets, when they turn retrograde or direct, when New Moons, Full Moons, and Eclipses occur when planets move into new signs and the potential impact. The calendar uses Eastern time zone.