Keene State College
Keene State College is a public institution grounded in the liberal arts. KSC offers over 40 programs of study, as well as individualized majors, service learning, and national and international exchanges. The campus, with 21st-century technology housed in tr...
Study Away · Global Education Office · Keene State College
As a KSC student, you can study away in the United States or at approved programs around the world while making progress toward your degree. Many study away semester programs are the same tuition and fees as KSC. Some programs may have limited spaces, and will be decided on a first come first serve ...
Keene State College
Keene State College is a public institution grounded in the liberal arts. KSC offers over 40 programs of study, as well as individualized majors, service learning, and national and international exchanges. The campus, with 21st-century technology housed in tr...
Graduate Studies · Academics · Keene State College
Opportunities abound on-campus and on-line. Keene State College offers distinctive graduate programs that bring together the best of the liberal arts and sciences with unmatched learning and leadership development experiences that will position you for advancement in your chosen career, or to support your next career move.
Academics - Keene State College
Areas of Study. Whatever you plan for your future, Keene State can give you the knowledge and skills to put you on the path to success. Whether you see yourself as an artist, a teacher, a nurse, a scientist, a physical trainer, a business leader, a designer for high-tech manufacturing – let your imagination be your guide – we offer over 40 areas of study to get you where you want to go.
Campus - Keene State College
Arts & Entertainment. The Redfern Arts Center is home to a thriving arts scene, hosting concerts, recitals, theatrical performances, and dance by nationally renowned artists as well as KSC students and faculty.. The Thorne-Sagendorph Art Gallery hosts traveling exhibits and works of regional artists. The smaller Carroll House Gallery hosts an eclectic mix of traditional and contemporary works.
Welcome to Owl Nation · Keene State College
Create, Explore, and Launch Your Future. Welcome to Owl Nation! Opportunity is yours at Keene State. Watch how Slesha explored her interest in math, physics, and design to choose a dual major in architecture and sustainable product design.
Student Academic Support Services (SASS) - Keene State College
Our academic advisors assist KSC students with course selection, how to choose and complete a major, how to meet graduation requirements, how to use MyKSC and online resources, and other academic concerns. The transferable credit listings represent an …
Bachelor’s Degree Programs < CourseLeaf - Keene State College
A liberal education emphasizes breadth and balance in developing intellectual resources and cultural perspectives. It encourages the student to achieve the fullest possible development as a person and as a member of society.
Academic Calendar - Keene State College
Contact Academic Affairs. Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs ☎ 603-358-2112 provost@keene.edu 229 Main Street Keene, New Hampshire 03435