Liquefied petroleum gas - Wikipedia
Liquefied petroleum gas, also referred to as liquid petroleum gas (LPG or LP gas), is a fuel gas which contains a flammable mixture of hydrocarbon gases, specifically propane, n-butane and isobutane. It can sometimes contain some propylene , butylene , and isobutene .
液化石油气(LPG)产业链基础介绍 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2020年9月6日 · 液化石油气(英文名称LPG:Liquefied Petroleum Gas),是一种在提炼原油时生产出来的,或从石油或 天然气开采 过程挥发出的气体。由于其包含的基本概念相对复杂,很难用简单的一句话去定义,因此这里我们从成分、来源、理化性质与用途等多个方面来对“LPG是 ...
液化石油气 - 百度百科
液化石油气是在炼油厂内,由 天然气 或者 石油 进行加压降温 液化 所得到的一种无色挥发性液体。 它极易 自燃,当其在空气中的含量达到了一定的浓度范围后,它遇到明火就能爆炸。 经由炼油厂所得到的液化石油气主要组成成分为 丙烷 、 丙烯 、 丁烷 、 丁烯 中的一种或者两种,而且其还掺杂着少量 戊烷 、 戊烯 和微量的 硫化物 杂质。 如果要对液化石油气进行进一步的纯化,可以使用醇胺吸收塔将其中的 氧硫化碳 进行吸收脱除,最后再用 碱 洗去多余的 硫化物。 经由天然 …
石油气 - 百度百科
石油气(liquefied petroleum gas),—般指来自石油系统的碳一到碳四烃类的混合气。 可含有氢气和碳五以上 烃,也可含有硫化物等杂质。 根据来源大概可分为:(1)天然石油气,例如天然气和油矿伴生气;(2)石油加工副产气,例如裂解气和焦化气;(3)液体 ...
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) | Description, Uses, & Processing ...
2025年1月31日 · Liquefied petroleum gas, any of several liquid mixtures of the volatile hydrocarbons propene, propane, butene, and butane. A typical commercial mixture may also contain ethane and ethylene, as well as an odorant added as a safety precaution. It was used as early as 1860 as a portable fuel source.
LPG: Liquefied Petroleum Gases and Their Uses - nexAir
Liquefied Petroleum Gas, more commonly called LPG, is a flammable fuel that helps run households and industries worldwide. Its composition is a mix of hydrocarbons, including butane or propane. It is stored and transported as a liquid in pressurized containers, usually steel tanks.
What is LPG? - World Liquid Gas (WLGA)
2020年9月30日 · Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) is a portable, clean and efficient energy source which is readily available to consumers around the world. LPG is primarily obtained from natural gas and oil production but is also produced increasingly from renewable sources; its unique properties make it a versatile energy source which can be used in more than ...
Propane: Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) - FuelEconomy.gov
Propane, or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), is a clean-burning fossil fuel that can be used in internal combustion engines. Most of the propane used in the U.S. is produced domestically. It is usually cheaper than gasoline and does not degrade performance.
Liquefied petroleum gas - Simple English Wikipedia, the free …
Liquefied petroleum gas (also known as LPG, LP Gas or autogas) is a mixture of hydrocarbon gases. It is commonly used in the household, for example for cooking, or as fuel for heating. LPG is replacing chlorofluorocarbons more and more, also because it is less harmful to the ozone layer .
Liquefied petroleum gas - Energy Education
Liquefied petroleum gas or LPG is a type of hydrocarbon gas that is obtained by refining crude oil or processing natural gas. This gas is composed of either propane and butane by themselves or as a mixture of the two.