Request to Block Bing Search Results In Europe

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In 2014, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruled that individuals have the right to ask search engines to block results for queries that include the person's name if the results are inadequate, inaccurate, no longer relevant, or excessive. If you are a European resident and want to request that Microsoft block search results on Bing in response to searches on your name, please use this form.
If you are requesting delisting of content you posted on a social media site, the tools and processes available from that site may be the most effective way for you to remove this content from search results. You can find links to the help pages of common third party sites here.
If you wish to report a concern to Bing that is not a “right to be forgotten” request, please go here.
请在此表单中为每个适用的问题提供完整、相关的信息,因为我们将使用此信息评估你的请求。我们可能会考虑此表单以外的信息源,以验证或补充你提供的信息。在考虑请求时,必应必须根据欧盟法律平衡个人隐私利益以及保护自由表达和免费获得信息的公众利益。提出请求并不能保证某个搜索结果将被阻止。请注意,如果此表单不完整,Microsoft 可能无法处理你的请求。
Note regarding minor children: If you are a minor, you may submit this form on your own. If you are a parent or legal guardian of a minor, you may submit this form on that minor’s behalf.
This form and the related evaluation processes may change as additional guidance becomes available, and individual submissions may be reevaluated over time.
Part 1 - Your Identity, Residence and Contact Information
Who are you?
Your name
Specify your full legal name and your relationship to the person whose name is appearing in the search results (e.g., “Jane Doe – parent”, “John Smith – attorney”). If you are representing someone else, you must have legal authority to act on their behalf.
The full legal name of the person you represent (the “subject”)
Please enter the full legal name of the person whose name is appearing in search results, as listed in the official identification document you provide (e.g., “John Michael Doe”).
Your full legal name
Please enter your full legal name as stated in the official identification document provided, including middle name (e.g., “John Michael Doe”).
Search name
Please provide the name you used as a search query that produces the result you wish to have blocked. This may be your legal name or a name by which you are commonly known (e.g., short name, middle name, nickname). Please do not include any keywords with the search name (e.g., “Policeman John Doe”).
If you are requesting removal of multiple search names, enter each name separately using the “Add another search name” link below. Note that a name with special characters (e.g., é, ó, ç) is considered a different search name than the name without special characters, so please submit each applicable version separately.
Please provide the name you used as a search query that produces the result to be blocked. This may be the subject’s legal name or a name by which he or she is commonly known (e.g., short name, middle name, nickname). Please do not include any keywords with the search name (e.g., “Policeman John Doe”).
If you are requesting removal of multiple search names, enter each name separately using the “Add another search name” link below. Note that a name with special characters (e.g., é, ó, ç) is considered a different search name than the name without special characters, so please submit each applicable version separately.
If you are submitting requests for multiple people, please open a separate case for each person.
Add another search name
Please select your country of residence*
Please select the subject’s country of residence*
Please upload any documentation that verifies the information you have provided.
  • We will use any documentation to verify the information you have provided on this form. We will delete the documentation as required by law.
  • We will use any documentation to verify the information you have provided on this form. We will delete the documentation as required by law.
Please note that jpg, png, docx, and pdf are the only acceptable formats for uploading.
File name File size

Please provide an email address we can use to contact you about your request.
Part 2 - Your Role in Society or Your Community
Part 2 – The Subject’s Role in Society or Community
Are you a public figure (politician, celebrity, etc.)?
Is the subject a public figure (politician, celebrity, etc.)?
Do you have a role or expect to have a role in your local community or more broadly that involves leadership, trust or safety (for example, teacher, clergy, community leader, police, doctor, etc.)?
Does the subject have a role or expect to have a role in the local community or more broadly that involves leadership, trust or safety (for example, teacher, clergy, community leader, police, doctor, etc.)?
If the answer to either question above is Yes or if you are unsure, please describe in detail your role in society/your community.
If the answer to either question above is Yes or if you are unsure, please describe in detail the subject’s role in society/community.
Part 3 - The Requested URL(s) to Block
A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is the unique address for a file or web page that is accessible on the Internet. Please identify the exact URL(s) that you would like Bing to block from results for searches on the search name(s). Note that search results pages (e.g., “”) are not considered specific URLs.
分开输入每个 URL。要提交多个 URL,请使用本节结尾的“添加其他 URL”链接。请勿在单独的文档中上载 URL 列表,也不要在其他注释字段中留下 URL 列表。请注意,你在此请求中提交的 URL 必须均与相同主题有关,并且具有相同的删除依据,且由下面的叙述性解释支持。对于与不同主题有关的 URL,你需要提交单独的表单。

Have you previously made a request for Bing to block this same page (URL)?
Add another URL
Part 4 - Sworn statements
Please read the following statements and check the boxes to confirm that you have read and acknowledge them.


Signed on this date of*

如果你之前曾就相同页面/URL 向必应提出请求,请注意,可能需要 30 天才能处理你的请求。
